In addition to conventional web solutions using Latin characters, we also specialise and are proud to be one of only a few companies to be developing multilingual web applications. In specific we design and develop applications in a number of Asian languages. We are currently working on adding to our repertoire by adding more Asian and European languages.

At Sysmak we have come up with new and innovative ways in which we can develop web solutions that are browser independent and most importantly do not require the end user to download fonts to view the information presented in non Latin characters. This will maximise your reach to all the people that you target regardless of the fact they will or won't download your font. Present your message to your target audience in a language that they understand.

Please see below for a few examples.

If you have any queries regarding our multi lingual solutions please e-mail your requirements/questions to and we would only be too pleased to get back to you with the information you need.


Hindi Language Sample

Arabic Language Sample